Friday, May 31, 2013

1s Lipo Charger

These are the PCBs I ordered from OSH Park. Falsely I ordered a 4 place DIP switch when I needed a 3 place. The charger seams to work well even though I didn't have the opportunity to test it long enough since it charges the batteries really fast. The DIP switch selects between 0.5A-2A charging current with a 0.5A step.

The goal is to implement a modular and configurable charger which can adapt to the given battery configuration. 

The charger needs a 2A 5V power supply, which fairly common.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New hot end nozzle

This is my new failed 3d printer hot end nozzle. The main problem is that the heat induction is not good enough so the nichrome wire inside overheats and burns. Also I was so impatient that I used steel washers that I had in hand and didn't wait for aluminum ones. Anyhow I am going to test the nozzle after I replace the nichrome wire.